Your question: What name did Jesus give Simon?

Why did Jesus call Simon Peter the Rock? “I think that Jesus was telling Peter that he (Peter) was the rock because his name means ‘rock,’” says Hillary, 12. The rock upon which Jesus would build his church could refer to Peter, since Jesus changed Peter’s name to “petros” meaning “rock.” This would make … Read more

Your question: What Jesus says about eating?

What does God says about eating? Proverbs 13:25 says a righteous man eats until his heart’s content or eats enough to satisfy his appetite. God’s desire is not for us to just eat enough to curb our appetite. He wants us to eat until our heart’s content, until our bellies are satisfied and full. … Read more

Your question: What is the true original Bible?

Which Bible translation is closest to the original? The English Bible Translation is known as the most accurate Bible version due to large number of excellent translations. How accurate is the Bible to the original? “ … the historical books of the Old Testament are as accurate historical documents as any that we have … Read more