Your question: Does the cross predate Christianity?

When was the cross invented? History doesn’t name the inventor though we know it most likely started with the Assyrians or Babylonians. The cross was then used systematically by the Persians throughout the 6th century BC. Alexander the Great brought crucifixion to the eastern Mediterranean countries by the 4th century BC. What does the … Read more

Your question: Does the Bible say to forget the past?

What does Paul say about forgetting the past? A Heavenly Prize Be encouraged by Paul’s emphasis here on forgetting the past—forgetting what is behind—and straining forward to what lies ahead. Don’t let yesterday’s failures derail you from the goal of your upward call of God in Christ. What God says about our past? Our … Read more

Your question: Does prayer heal the sick?

Does prayer help in healing? All forms of prayer, he says, evoke a relaxation response that quells stress, quiets the body, and promotes healing. Prayer involves repetition — of sounds, words — and therein lies its healing effects, says Benson. “For Buddhists, prayer is meditation. Does praying actually work? Research consistently shows that prayer … Read more

Your question: Does churches pay taxes in Europe?

Do churches pay taxes in Germany? How do I pay church tax? Church taxes are collected the same way as many other taxes in Germany – they are deduced directly from your salary by the tax authorities. To find out how much you’re paying, consult your payslip for the item “church tax” (Kirchensteuer or … Read more

Your question: Do priests get holidays?

Do priests get annual leave? Although a priest may need an extended break from the demands of pastoral responsibility, over and above his annual holiday, a sabbatical will normally involve periods of spiritual and/or intellectual formation (e.g. approved retreats, courses etc), or a different pastoral experience of some kind. Can a priest go on … Read more