Your question: How do you manage a church choir?

What makes a good church choir? The four functions are to lead and enliven the congregation’s song, to sing music that the congregation cannot, to serve as a small-group within the church for faith formation, and to sing beautiful and challenging music to glorify God and to edify the congregation. How do you run … Read more

Your question: How do you describe a sin?

How do you describe a sinful person? iniquitous, depraved, evil, immoral, corrupt. What is sin described in the Bible? Sin is an immoral act considered to be a transgression of divine law. The doctrine of sin is central to Christianity, since its basic message is about redemption in Christ. What is sin in my … Read more

Your question: How do you apologize in the Bible?

How do you say sorry when you’re not wrong? Instead of telling the personal stories and giving him/her the justifications, make a straightforward apology. Express the person your feelings and the value you have for them in your heart. And do not accept the blame because you are right; instead, tell them that you … Read more