Your question: What does Beelzebub mean in the Bible?

What does Beelzebub represent in the Bible? Beelzebub is also identified in the New Testament as the Devil, “the prince of demons”. Biblical scholar Thomas Kelly Cheyne suggested that it might be a derogatory corruption of Ba’al Zəbûl, “Lord of the High Place” (i.e., Heaven) or “High Lord”. What is the meaning of beelzebul? … Read more

Your question: What do the Seventh Day Adventist church believe?

How is Seventh Day Adventist different from Christianity? Seventh-day Adventists differ in only four areas of beliefs from the mainstream Trinitarian Christian denominations. These are the Sabbath day, the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary, the status of the writings of Ellen White, and their doctrine of the second coming and millennium. What can Seventh-day … Read more

Your question: What do female pastors wear?

How should a female pastor dress? Modest dress, no chest showing; nice, presentable, no ripped or stained clothes. To be honest, every woman should dress this way- not just a pastor’s wife. Bottom line: there is no exact description of “modesty” in the Bible. What do female ministers wear? Most ministers will choose to … Read more