Quick Answer: How do you show compassion like Jesus?

What is Jesus compassion?

The gospels are full of Jesus expressing compassion for the outcast, the poor, the sick, and the oppressed. His compassion was unconditional, it was complete and it reflected the very nature of God. We see our role as seeking to be Christlike in our compassion for those who suffer.

How do you show Jesus love to others?

5 actionable ways to love like Jesus

  1. Be mindful. We need to connect more deeply with our lives and the people in them, rather than living a detached, disconnected existence.
  2. Be approachable. …
  3. Be full of grace. …
  4. Be bold. …
  5. Be self-giving.

Why is it important to show compassion?

Compassion is shown to improve health and wellness because of its ability to drive meaningful interactions. It pushes us to address inequality, cruelty, and the struggles of others. It encourages us to be kind. It allows us to see others and how we can help them or hold space for them.

What is compassion simple words?

Compassion is a positive response and desire to help with an inner motivation to lessen or prevent suffering of others. … The word “compassion” comes from Latin and Greek to mean “to suffer with.” Compassion means to suffer with another, and it includes a spontaneous desire to alleviate that suffering.

What do you say to show compassion?

It’s empathy.

  • You’re making total sense.
  • I understand how you feel.
  • You must feel so hopeless.
  • I just feel such despair in you when you talk about this.
  • You’re in a tough spot here.
  • I can feel the pain you feel.
  • The world needs to stop when you’re in this much pain.
  • I wish you didn’t have to go through that.

How can we show our love for God answer?


  • Pray to God. Tell God that you love him and love his creation. …
  • Do good things. This will show how much you actually love God. …
  • Honor God’s name. …
  • Love yourself so that you can love your neighbour. …
  • Love your enemies. …
  • Practice forgiveness and compassion with others.