What is Job’s story in the Bible?
Job is a wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and extensive flocks. Satan challenges God that, if given permission to punish the man, Job will turn and curse God. … God allows Satan to torment Job to test this bold claim, but he forbids Satan to take Job’s life in the process.
What is the moral of the story of Job in the Bible?
Job shows us how to keep the faith, no matter how grim the circumstances of life may be. Sometimes the stakes are enormous, In the unseen world, Satan and the armies of darkness will be defeated because of our faith.
What is the story of Job and suffering?
The Bible tells the story of a man called Job who is described as a good man who loves God. Satan challenges God, saying that Job is only good because he has a happy life. God allows Satan to put Job’s faith to the test by causing him to suffer. … Then he suffers horrible weeping sores all over his body.
What happened to Job’s wife?
Job’s first wife is Sitidos (Sitis). … Job tells her that they must be left and she takes herself off to lie amongst the cattle where she dies. Only after her death does she receive honour as the city laments her death. Job is restored and in a bizarre twist marries Dinah (a daughter of Jacob) and has 10 children by her.
Who was the father of Job?
Why is Job considered the oldest book in the Bible?
The events in the Book of Job are believed to have taken place before the time of Moses, possibly during the era of the Bible’s Patriarchs. … This suggests that the events of Job took place long before those in the rest of the Bible. Job uses Arabic words and describes Arabic customs, opinions, and manners.
How did the story of Job end?
The story ends with Job receiving his wealth back several fold, having another 10 children and living for another 140 years. … Having lost her 10 children, she apparently gets angry with Job’s piety and a domestic dispute ensues. Reconciliation must have followed at some point as she has another 10 children with him.
How did Job stay faithful to God?
Job, by staying silent before God, stresses the point that he understands that his affliction is God’s will even though he despairs at not knowing why. Job appears faithful without direct knowledge of God and without demands for special attention from God, even for a cause that all others would declare to be just.
What does God say to Job at the end of the story?
At the end of the Book of Job, God speaks. Whether there was a booming echo, we can’t be sure, but it sure shuts Job up. … In some ways, Job is basically saying “I had to see it to believe it.” But he can’t have really seen it, since God is unknowable.
Why did Job repent?
His repentance is for the assumption that he had fully understood how God must act and respond in the case of his suffering. The great irony of Job is that he never hears an answer to the question that prompted him to seek God—some word of vindication of his righteousness in his circumstance.