Question: Who made up the church at Philippi?

Who makes up the church in the Bible?

The church consists of God’s people. It is the assembly of believers in Jesus Christ. The physical buildings facilitate the fellowship, worship, and ministry of God’s people, but it is not the church.

Did Lydia start the church in Philippi?

He met with great success there and founded congregations in several cities, beginning in Philippi. And Lydia was the first in that community to believe in Jesus Christ, the first Christian convert on the European continent.

What is the difference between the local church and the universal Church?

The main difference between the universal church and the local church is that the universal church is all who believe in Jesus Christ. The local church is a community of these individuals who regularly meet in a certain building, town, or group. The main similarity is the purpose.

Where is the church of Philippi today?

The remains of this walled city lie at the foot of an acropolis in north-eastern Greece, on the ancient route linking Europe and Asia, the Via Egnatia.

Why did Paul wrote to the Philippians?

One of Paul’s purposes in writing this letter was to express gratitude for the affection and financial assistance the Saints in Philippi had extended to him during his second missionary journey and his imprisonment in Rome (see Philippians 1:3–11; 4:10–19; see also Bible Dictionary, “Pauline Epistles”).