How do I cite the Bible as a source?

Can you use the Bible as a source?

It’s always acceptable to cite the Bible when you need to quote biblical history or gain insight into Christian beliefs. However, the Bible isn’t always the final word. If you cite the Bible as a literal source of Christian beliefs without adding another source, you could mislead your readers.

How do you in-text cite the Bible in MLA?

MLA in-text citations of the Bible differ from other book citations in that they list the book, chapter, and verse rather than the page number.

How to cite the Bible in MLA.

Format Bible Title. Edited by Editor first name Last name, Publisher, Year, URL.
In-text citation (ESV Bible, Matt. 1.2)

How do you cite the Bible in APA reference page?

To cite a specific passage from the Bible, include an abbreviated book title followed by a chapter and verse number in the in-text citation.

How to cite the Bible in APA Style.

Format Bible Version Title. (Year). Publisher. URL
Reference entry English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online.

Can you cite the Bible in a research paper?

You will need the Bible verse you are quoting, including the book name, chapter number, and verse number. For longer book names, you will use an abbreviated version in your in-text citation (MLA Handbook). … The remaining in-text citations should only include the book name, chapter, and verse number.

Is Bible capitalized?

Bible/ biblical

1. Capitalize Bible and all nouns referring to sacred texts.

How do you cite the Bible in a works cited page?

The Bible. Italicize “The Bible” and follow it with the version you are using. Remember that your in-text (parenthetical citation) should include the name of the specific edition of the Bible, followed by an abbreviation of the book, the chapter and verse(s).

How do you in-text cite the Bible APA 7?

When quoting the Bible, you must cite the Bible version in the body of the paper and include it in your reference list. When citing the Bible the in-text citation should follow the order of the template as shown here: Template: Bible Version, Date of Publication, Book chapter and verse.

How do you cite the King James Bible in APA?

For APA, you include the Bible and date of publication “as cited in” then the citation information. “Quote” (King James Version, 1604, as cited in Smith, 2020).

How do you cite the King James Bible?

Put the citation in a “Work Cited” list at the conclusion of your report. If you are typing, make sure to italicize the citation. Write “The Holy Bible: King James Version” followed by the publishing city and state (abbreviated), publisher company name and year it was published.