Your question: Who is Castiel in Bible?

What kind of angel is Castiel in the Bible? Seraphim are a higher class of angel, above normal angels such as Uriel and Joshua. Castiel became a Seraph after God resurrected him from the dead when Lucifer killed him in 5.22 Swan Song. This is later confirmed when Castiel refers to himself as a … Read more

Your question: Who were at the feet of Jesus?

Who were the people at the foot of Jesus Cross? So, at the foot of the Cross, it was John, Mary (mother of Jesus), Mary’s sister (Salome), Mary (wife of Clopas), and Mary Magdalene. Who fell at the feet of Jesus? Mary worshipped at Jesus’ feet John (chapter 12) sets the scene perfectly with … Read more

Your question: Is sin God’s enemy?

Who is the enemy of God? The No. 1 enemy of God is Satan. Satan is a fallen angel who considered himself equal to God. This didn’t end well for Satan, who continues to try to destroy the things of God, even though God’s victory was secured at the cross. Does sin hurt God? … Read more

Your question: What is meant by Pastor Emeritus?

Can a retired pastor perform a wedding? For nonreligious ceremonies, justices of the peace, court clerks and active and retired judges may officiate the marriage. … For religious ceremonies, members of the clergy like priests, ministers or rabbis, et cetera, may officiate a marriage. How do you honor a retiring pastor? Ideas for Pastor … Read more

Your question: Is yelling a mortal sin?

What are the 4 mortal sins? They join the long-standing evils of lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, anger, envy and pride as mortal sins – the gravest kind, which threaten the soul with eternal damnation unless absolved before death through confession or penitence. What are 3 conditions for a mortal sin? Three conditions are necessary … Read more

Your question: What is the job of a church secretary?

How can I be a good church secretary? A good church secretary has a combination of administrative experience, organizational skills, and friendliness. You should be familiar with your many daily tasks, as well as the ongoings of the church. Work hard to keep all files, databases, and work areas neat and organized. What is … Read more

Your question: What are the 4 main types of prayer?

What are the 5 types of prayer? The Five Types of Prayer Knowing its importance in prayerful communication. Type 1 – Worship and Praise. This prayer acknowledges God for what He is. … Type 2 – Petition and Intercession. … Type 3 – Supplication. … Type 4 – Thanksgiving. … Type 5 – Spiritual … Read more