You asked: Is priest a common gender?

What is an example of common gender? Common gender: It denotes either a male or female sex. For example, teacher, student, cousin, parent, etc. What comes under common gender? in English, a noun that is the same whether it is referring to either gender, such as cat, people, spouse. in some languages, such as … Read more

You asked: Is a Buddhist monk a priest?

Are priest and monk the same? Priests receive the sacrament of Holy Orders and undertake the duties of celebrating the sacraments, including Mass, confession, and absolution. The word “monk” comes from the Greek “monos” – which connotes “one”, “alone”, “single”, “apart”. … Monks take solemn vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Are monks Buddhist … Read more

You asked: Is Arabic in the Bible?

What is the Bible called in Arabic? The Arabic Version of the Bible, often called the Van Dyck Version, has been in common use in the Near East Arabic-speaking countries ever since the translation of the New Testament was completed in March 1860 and the Old Testament in March 1865. Where was Arabia in … Read more

You asked: Is doing laundry on Sunday a sin?

What day can you not wash clothes? This is an odd one. According to folklore, if you wash clothes on New Year’s Day, you’ll be “washing for the dead” or washing a loved one away — meaning someone in your household will die in the coming year. Get your laundry wash, dried, folded and … Read more