Best answer: Did any of Jesus disciples write the Bible?

How many of Jesus disciples wrote the Bible? While the periods to which the gospels are usually dated suggest otherwise, convention traditionally holds that the authors were two of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus, John and Matthew, as well as two “apostolic men,” Mark and Luke, whom Orthodox Tradition records as members of the … Read more

Best answer: Was Jesus born in Bethlehem or Jerusalem?

Was Jesus born in Galilee or Bethlehem? The town of Bethlehem of Judea, about six miles south of Jerusalem, has always been considered the birthplace of Jesus. According to the New Testament, Joseph and Mary were living in Bethlehem of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth and later moved to Nazareth up north. … Read more

Best answer: Did Washington put his hand on the Bible?

Where did Washington place his hand in the Bible? George Washington placed his right hand on Chapters 49 and 50 of Genesis, “Jacob calleth his sons together to bless them and the mourning for Jacob” and took his oath of office administered by New York State Chancellor Robert R. Livingston. Which president did not … Read more

Best answer: What are the main laws of Christianity?

What are the three laws of Christianity? Theologian Thomas Aquinas explained that there are three types of biblical precepts: moral, ceremonial, and judicial. He holds that moral precepts are permanent, having held even before the Law was given, since they are part of the law of nature. What are the 5 Rules of Christianity? … Read more

Best answer: Do I need to confess every sin?

What type of sin must always be confessed? All mortal sins must be confessed, while confession of venial sins also is recommended but not required. The priest may emphasize repentance and offer counsel, and always proposes a penance which the penitent accepts and then recites an act of contrition. The priest imparts absolution. Does … Read more

Best answer: Does God know we sin?

What is considered a sin to God? Both Christianity and Judaism see sin as a deliberate violation of the will of God and as being attributable to human pride, self-centredness, and disobedience. … Actual sin is subdivided, on the basis of its gravity, into mortal and venial. Does God excuse sin? God does not … Read more