Do Mormons believe in the King James Bible?

Why do Mormons only use the KJV? The reasons for this were twofold. First, it is a well-respected and easily accessible translation (even if a bit dated), and second, it was the only English translation of the Bible available to the early leaders of the LDS Church, and so all of their biblical citations … Read more

Does God Say I’m beautiful?

What does God say about your beauty? The most important Bible verse about beauty is from 1 Peter, “What matters is not your outer appearance — the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes — but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God … Read more

Do Ontario Catholic schools teach evolution?

Do they teach evolution in Catholic schools? Catholic schools in the United States and other countries teach evolution as part of their science curriculum. They teach that evolution occurs and the modern evolutionary synthesis, which is the scientific theory that explains how evolution proceeds. This is the same evolution curriculum that secular schools teach. … Read more

Does God withhold blessing?

Does God withhold good? Luke 12:32 (KJV) God is not holding any good thing back from you. He gets great joy and pleasure from being good to His children. What does the Bible say about God not answering prayers? – As long as your prayers are for selfish motives, driven by pride hidden in … Read more

Do parents of priests call them father?

Do you call a Catholic priest Father? The highest title in the Catholic Church, that of “Pope,” is derived from those early titles. By the late Middle Ages, priests belonging to various religious orders were called father. This practice has persisted to modern times, as priests are customarily called father today. What is the … Read more

Does it say God the Son in the Bible?

What is the difference between God the Son and Son of God? Nontrinitarian Christians accept the application to Jesus of the term “Son of God,” which is found in the New Testament, but not the term “God the Son,” which is not found there.” The term “Son of God can be found 69 times … Read more

Do pastors pay taxes?

How do taxes work for pastors? Are ministers traditional employees? Ministers are treated as a hybrid of a self-employed worker and a traditional employee for tax purposes. In most cases, the church is a tax-exempt entity. That means the church, who is the minister’s employer, does not withhold income tax from the minister’s wages. … Read more

Do Protestants believe that the Bible is the word of God?

Do Protestants believe the Bible literally? Protestants (including those who identify themselves as “Christian” but not Catholic or Mormon) are the most likely religious group to believe the Bible is literally true. Forty-one percent of Protestants hold this view, while a slightly larger 46% take the Bible to be the inspired word of God. … Read more

Do you have to pray right after Adhan?

Mission in India Do you have to pray at the exact time? If it is completed any time within this time period, it is okay. But if you are praying near the start time or the end time, you need to be accurate to the minute. For example, if you prayed the sunset prayer … Read more