Your question: Where is Christianity practiced today?

Is Christianity the official religion of any country? Thirteen countries – including nine in Europe – are officially Christian, two (Bhutan and Cambodia) have Buddhism as their state religion, and one (Israel) is officially a Jewish state. No country has Hinduism as its state religion. Who do Catholics worship? Catholics worship the One and … Read more

Your question: Where is Michael Todd transformation church?

Where is Transformation Church? Tammy McQuarters is executive pastor of operations for Transformation Church. Church services and other social activities will remain at the former Spirit Bank Event Center in Bixby, where Transformation Church is currently located. What denomination is Transformation Church? Transformational groups typically involve a cross-section of Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and … Read more

Your question: When did Christianity come to India?

How long have there been Christians in India? Christianity has been an indigenous religion in India for close to two millennia. Both native Christians and foreign missionaries have been a part of the various social movements in the country. Did Lord Jesus came to India? “Jesus is said to have visited our land and … Read more