Your question: Is it a sin to burn food?

Is burning your body a sin? However, there is no scriptural prohibition of cremation in the New Testament. The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. Nevertheless, many Christians believe that their bodies would be ineligible for resurrection if they are cremated. Is overindulgence a sin? Gluttony (Latin: gula, derived from the … Read more

Your question: Is it a sin to get angry?

Ханс Кристиан Андерсен Is being angry a sin in the Bible? Anger itself is not a sin, but the strong emotion, unrestrained, can lead very quickly to sin. As God said to Cain, “It’s desire is for you, but you must rule over it” (Genesis 4:7). What does the Bible say about being angry … Read more

Your question: Is Lois a biblical name?

What is the true meaning of the name Lois? Meaning of the name Lois A biblical name from the Greek meaning ‘more desirable’ or ; better;. May also be a variation of the name Aloysius or an alternative spelling of the name Lewis from the Germanic Ludwig, meaning ‘famous warrior’. What origin is the … Read more

Your question: Is Roman Catholic liturgical?

Is Catholic liturgical? In the Catholic Church, liturgy is divine worship, the proclamation of the Gospel, and active charity. Which category is Roman Catholic? Only Christians belonging to OBCin Hindu caste system are given reservations by the local State governments. It depends on each State government’s policies. Therefore one cannot generalise that Christians like … Read more

Your question: How old is the Armenian Church?

When was the Armenian Church founded? Where is the oldest Church in the world? According to the Catholic Encyclopedia the Cenacle (the site of the Last Supper) in Jerusalem was the “first Christian church.” The Dura-Europos church in Syria is the oldest surviving church building in the world, while the archaeological remains of both … Read more