Your question: How is Christianity a factor and a tool for European colonization in Africa?

How did Christianity affect colonization?

In some regions, almost all of a colony’s populace was removed from their traditional belief systems and were turned towards the Christian faith, which colonizers used as a justification to destroy other faiths, enslave natives, and exploit lands and seas.

What factors allowed Christianity to spread Africa?

The reason why so many Africans are turning to Christianity is attributed to a number of factors include disillusionment with political systems and a natural attraction to religious worship.

How did religion impact European colonization?

The Europeans felt that the local native religions were very naïve and barbaric and hence sought to change their beliefs. … In addition, they used religion as a basis to propagate colonization of North America instead of using it to promote peace and understanding between the immigrants and the natives.

How did religion affect colonialism?

The coming of Colonialism and its concomitant Christianity helps to abrogate ritual with human being or human sacrifice. In order words, the phenomenon help to put an end to some of the traditional religion rituals conducted by sacrificing human being to appease the gods.

Why did Europe want to spread Christianity in Africa?

European missionaries wanted to spread Christianity and teach it to less educated and wealthy people in Africa as one cause for imperialism – They mainly saw it as their duty to be carried out and it is commonly referred to as “The White Man’s Burden”, taken from Rudyard Kipling’s poem.

What factors allowed Christianity to spread?

Ehrman attributes the rapid spread of Christianity to five factors: (1) the promise of salvation and eternal life for everyone was an attractive alternative to Roman religions; (2) stories of miracles and healings purportedly showed that the one Christian God was more powerful than the many Roman gods; (3) Christianity …

How did Christianity spread in West Africa?

The introduction of Christianity into West Africa traces its history to the fifteenth century, because of Portuguese scientific exploration of the Atlantic coasts of Africa. … Eventually, the missionaries changed and adopted a more flexible, accommodating stance, which blended African culture with Christianity.