What does it mean to build on the rock?
This means grounding ourselves in Christ every day and making wise choices through the guidance of his Spirit before the storms of life come. Only in him can we be assured that our foundation is rock-solid.
Why did Jesus refer to Peter as the rock?
Their position is that most of the early and medieval church interpreted the ‘rock’ as being a reference either to Christ or to Peter’s faith, not Peter himself. They understand Jesus’ remark to have been his affirmation of Peter’s testimony that Jesus was the Son of God.
What does the rock symbolize in the Bible?
The words rock and stone, referring to the prime elements in ancient foundations, are used in the scriptures as metaphors signifying strength, steadiness, and durability.
What does Matthew 16 18 mean?
The Greek word used to denote church in Matthew 16:18 is ecclesia, which literally means a “calling out” and originally referred to a civil assembly. Thus Jesus’ use of the phrase “my church” referred to an assembly “called” by him. … The phrase “gates of hell” refers to the place of restriction for the unjust dead.
Why did Jesus build His church?
As He had promised, Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth over 2,000 years ago. … Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life. He established His Church, taught His gospel, and performed many miracles.
What does the rock represent?
The longevity of structures made of rock and stone often means that they are associated with the divine and the eternal. Homes are not only built for the living, but for the dead as well. Stone formations often symbolize the passage from one life to the next.
What does it mean to build a house on the rock?
In this illustration of two builders, Jesus seemed to imply two things. First, He was the metaphorical rock, which if anyone builds upon shall never fail. … The second implication of Jesus’s illustration is that anyone who builds his house on the truth of His word by obeying them, such a house or work would not fail.
Why Jesus chose Peter as the leader of the church?
But Jesus chose Peter. The main reason could not be Peter’s character of his strength, but rather the strength of his faith. Deep down he knew himself to be weak and imperfect, hence he was convinced that his total security and strength could only come from a power greater than his own.
Where in the Bible does Jesus tell Peter to build his church?
In Matthew 16:18 Jesus then continues: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.