What does the word Sojourner mean in the Bible?

What does it mean to be a sojourner?

A sojourner is a person who resides temporarily in a place. Sojourner may also refer to: Sojourner Truth (1797–1883), abolitionist and women’s rights activist.

Where does the word Sojourner come from?

In origin, it means “to spend the day (somewhere)”: it derives from the Latin subdiunare, with that meaning, whose root is diurnum, “day”, from which we get diurnal (and also journey, which originally meant the distance one could travel in one day).

Who is the stranger in the Old Testament?

Moses lived as a stranger ( ) in Midian and therefore called his son Gershom (Exod 2:22; 18:3).

Is the Sojourner still on Mars?

Sojourner was operational on Mars for 92 sols (95 Earth days). It was the first wheeled vehicle to rove on a planet other than Earth and formed part of the Mars Pathfinder mission.

Sojourner (rover)

Spacecraft properties
Deployed from Mars Pathfinder
Deployment date July 5, 1997
End of mission
Last contact September 27, 1997

What is an agreement with God called?

In religion, a covenant is a formal alliance or agreement made by God with a religious community or with humanity in general. The concept, central to the Abrahamic religions, is derived from the biblical covenants, notably from the Abrahamic covenant.

How do I use sojourn?

Sojourn in a Sentence

  1. As a teacher, I am looking forward to my sojourn at the beach during spring break.
  2. My husband’s perfect idea of a sojourn is a two-nights stay at a secluded cabin in front of a stream overflowing with fish.

What does Jesus say about strangers?

Within the New Testament, which Christians read in continuity with the Hebrew Bible or “The Old Testament,” the most often cited passage dealing with welcoming the stranger is from Matthew 25: 31-40. “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Who are the foreigners in the Bible?

But the Word of God has plenty to say about people called “strangers” and “sojourners” or “foreigners” in our translations. “Strangers” and “foreigners” refer to anybody who was from another ethnic group but had chosen to live with the Jews in Israel — no matter what category they might represent in today’s terms.