What are four principles of Christianity?
Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. The death, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension of Christ. The holiness of the Church and the communion of saints. Christ’s second coming, the Day of Judgement and salvation of the faithful.
What are the main principles of Christianity?
Jesus’s Teachings
- Love God.
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
- Forgive others who have wronged you.
- Love your enemies.
- Ask God for forgiveness of your sins.
- Jesus is the Messiah and was given the authority to forgive others.
- Repentance of sins is essential.
- Don’t be hypocritical.
What are the 7 principles of Christianity?
Principles: As we seek to develop Christlike character, our actions will reflect Christian virtues, such as humility, faith, charity, courage, self-government, virtue, industry, and wisdom. Applications: I will come unto Christ and receive His grace to develop Christlike character.
What are the 3 principles of Christianity?
The doctrine of the Trinity is the Christian belief that: There is One God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Other ways of referring to the Trinity are the Triune God and the Three-in-One.
What are basic Bible principles?
These include: the Lordship of Christ over all our life and thoughts; the responsibility to love God with our whole being and to love our neighbor as ourselves; the responsibility to pursue righteousness and practice justice and mercy to everyone; and participation in the worship and activities of the church, which …
What are the first principles of Christianity?
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost (Articles of Faith 1:4).
What are the kingdom principles of God?
Religion focuses on Heaven; the Kingdom focuses on earth. Religion is reaching up to God; the Kingdom is God coming down to man. Religion wants to escape earth; the Kingdom impacts, influ- ences and changes earth. Religion seeks to take earth to Heaven; the Kingdom seeks to bring Heaven to earth.
What are the foundations of Christianity?
Salvation is the foundation of the Christian life. Salvation is based upon the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross, because it was complete; nothing can be added to it. We cannot add or subtract from this foundation of salvation. But when the foundation – Jesus Christ – is laid, we can build on that foundation.
What are the seven principles of life?
The seven principles of the human being are: Atman (the universal self), Buddhi (the intellectual principle), Manas (the mental principle), Kama (desire), Prana (subtle vitality), Linga-sarira (astral body), and Sthula-sarira (gross physical matter).