Quick Answer: Why is Jesus referred to as the bread of life?

What is the symbolic meaning of bread?

Bread becomes the symbol of the supreme gift from God to humankind—eternal life, the body of Christ in the Eucharist: “Take this and eat, for this is my body.” … Manna symbolizes bread and prefigures the Christian Eucharist. It is a sign of the generosity of God toward humankind.

Why was Jesus teaching about himself as the living bread?

Jesus said that manna was sent as a temporary relief from physical hunger, but God has sent down a living bread which gives life to the world. The people then demanded for the bread of life which he said anyone who eat would no longer be hungry.

What the Bible Says About the Bread of Life?

Biblical account

For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” They said to him, “Sir, give us this bread always.” Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

What was the purpose of bread?

As a basic food worldwide, bread has come to take on significance beyond mere nutrition, evolving into a fixture in religious rituals, secular cultural life and language. Our bread provides energy for daily living.

What is the significance of the bread in communion?

Holy Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, is taken in remembrance of what our Savior our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross. The bread represents Jesus’ body that was scourged and broken before and during His crucifixion, and the cup represents His shed blood.

What is the meaning of living bread?

noun. Christian Church. (Frequently with the) used with reference or allusion to Christ as the spiritual nourishment which brings eternal life.

What is Jesus claiming in the Bread of Life discourse?

In verses 22-51, Jesus premises the “Bread of Life Discourse” by comparing himself to the manna that came down from Heaven for the Jews to eat during their years in the wilderness. Verses 48-58 contain Jesus’ difficult teaching that his followers must eat his flesh and drink his blood.

What is the bread that Jesus ate?

According to Christian scripture, the practice of taking Communion originated at the Last Supper. Jesus is said to have passed unleavened bread and wine around the table and explained to his Apostles that the bread represented his body and the wine his blood.