Question: Is it legal to ask for SIN number?

What happens if you give your SIN number?

When the SIN is not linked to you as its rightful owner, another person could receive your government benefits, tax refunds or bank credits. Your personal information could also be revealed to unauthorized people, which could lead to identity theft and other types of fraud.

Do I have to show my SIN card to my employer?

Your employees’ SINs are confidential and should only be used for income-related information. According to the Employment Insurance Regulations, which came into force on April 30, 2013, employees are required to provide their SIN to their employer.

Who can access SIN number?

Some government organizations or private businesses ask for the SIN because it is a simple way to identify you. Many use it as a client account number so that they don’t have to set up their own numbering system. Only some government departments and programs are allowed to collect and use your SIN.

Is it OK to send SIN by email?

Never forward an e-mail containing SIN information to an e-mail distribution list. Don’t include a SIN in an e-mail unless a procedure specifies that you may do so. If so, never put the SIN in the subject line of the e-mail. Don’t leave a laptop containing SIN information unattended or in an unlocked location.

Why SIN number is confidential?

Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) is confidential

If your SIN falls into the wrong hands, it could be used to obtain personal information and invade your privacy. … Your personal information could also be revealed to unauthorized people, which could lead to identity theft and other types of fraud.

Is it safe to give SIN number to Equifax?

Never provide your SIN over the phone unless you made the call and are confident you know who’s on the other end. Never reply to emails asking for personal information such as your SIN. Shred paper records on which your SIN is recorded once you no longer need them.

Can I work without a SIN number?

Every person working in Canada must have a SIN . … If a new employee does not have a SIN , but is eligible to work in Canada, the employer should tell the employee to apply for a SIN at one of our Service Canada Centres—it’s fast, simple and secure.

Can you do a credit check without SIN number?

A SIN is not required for a credit check. … A landlord can ask for your SIN, but under the law, you do not have to give the landlord your SIN. The landlord can use other ways to perform a credit check. For example, the landlord could ask for your full name and your birth date.

Can I work while waiting for my SIN number?

Employers must pay wages to foreigners who don’t have social insurance numbers Canada has updated employer compliance rules to specify that foreign workers can still work without a SIN card as long as they are in the process of getting one.

Is SSN and SIN the same?

In Canada, the Social Insurance Number (SIN) is the equivalent to Social Security Number (SSN) in the U.S. Canadian residents use SINs for government programs and as a source of identification in the private sector.

Does Service Canada call you?

1 800 O-Canada is a general information service and does not usually make unsolicited attempts to contact Canadians. In very rare cases, Service Canada may unexpectedly contact you in the course of delivering Government of Canada services.

Do banks need your SIN number?

The Income Tax Act requires banks to ask you for your Social Insurance Number (SIN) when you open an interest-bearing account, so the bank can report your interest income to the government. Other accounts, however, can be opened without your SIN.