Can Christians say God bless?

Is it appropriate to say God bless?

“Saying ‘God bless you‘ following a sneeze is a common refrain, so common and taught from childhood that many people don’t even think of it as a blessing, but rather as an utterance without specific meaning other than a response to a sneeze that is polite in some way,” said Dr.

Is it offensive to say God bless you?

National Review reports the so-called “Anti-Oppression Library Guide,” says saying ‘God bless you’ after someone sneezes “conveys one’s perception that everyone is Christian or believes in God,” which is offensive. The same goes for saying “Merry Christmas,” which is also listed as a microaggression.

What can I say instead of God Bless?

To your health.” or “Truth!” “To your health.” or “Bless God.” or “It is true.” “Health!”, the equivalent of respectively “Gesundheit” as said in English, or if the person has sneezed three times, “(Three times) the weather will be nice tomorrow.”

What is the difference between God bless and God blessed?

@santhony God bless is a common reply to someone sneezing. God blessed is just a different tense and not commonly used.

Can I say may God bless you?

In English-speaking countries, the common verbal response to another person’s sneeze is “God bless you”, or, less commonly in the United States and Canada, “Gesundheit”, the German word for health (and the response to sneezing in German-speaking countries). No one would say “May God bless you.” after a sneeze.

Why shouldn’t you say bless you?

When people don’t say bless you, we begin to suspect they don’t care about our well-being. As etiquette columnist Miss Manners once observed, it’s considered more rude for people getting hit with snot shrapnel to bypass the bless you than it is for the person detonating the germ bombs to fail to say excuse me.

What to say instead of bless you?

The most common alternative response that I’m aware of, especially in American English, is “Gesundheit!”. Gesundheit! is borrowed from German, and literally means “Health!”. Actually “Bless you!” (often uttered as “bleshoo”) can be considered as the secular (or neutral) version of “God bless you!”.

When someone says God bless you what does that mean?

God bless (you)!

said when saying goodbye to someone, to say that you hope good things will happen to them : Good night everyone, and God bless. said when someone sneezes, to say that you hope they have good health: “Achoo!” “God bless you.”

How can God bless us?

God blesses you when you know Jesus. Ephesians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” … It’s key to his blessing in your life. God blesses you when you trust him.