Your question: Does Prayer of Mending stack?

Is Prayer of Mending a direct heal?

When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to a raid member within 20 yards. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump. This spell can only be placed on one target at a time. Places a spell on the target that heals them for 800 the next time they take damage.

Spell Details.

Duration n/a
GCD category Normal

Does Prayer of Mending generate threat?

10, Prayer of Mending has a 10-second cooldown. This was largely done to limit its effectiveness in PvP combat, for example to avoid instant self-heals without a cooldown. The threat generated by ProM was changed to be given to the casting priest with patch 3.0.

Is Binding Heal good?

In general, Binding Heal’s high HPS makes it a good choice when both you and two other targets need healing. … If one of you is critically low, it may be better to heal the critical target with faster single-target options, before following-up with Binding Heal.

How do you pray with mending?

Places a spell on the target that heals them for x the next time they take damage. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to an ally within 20 yards. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump.

Prayer of Mending
Casting time Instant cast
Cooldown 10 sec (GCD 1.5 sec)
Level required 68
Related buff

How does prayer of healing work in classic wow?

Prayer of Healing is a healing spell that heals a friendly target’s party. Prayer of Healing heals each member of the target’s party for roughly the same amount of a current rank Flash Heal, making it extremely useful in group emergencies.

What are healing prayers?

O Lord the oil of your healing flows through me like a living stream. I choose to bathe in these clear waters each day. I will keep my eyes on you, and trust in you that I will fully recover. I give you all that I am, and rest in your peace.

Does Shadow Word Death heal?

Shadow word: death is an amazing spell!! it currently receives 100% of +damage and healing gear and it is instant cast, which is HUGE, especially for pvp since it has only a 6 second cooldown it is somewhat spamable.