What does cedar wood represent?
Strength. The size and longevity of the cedar tree symbolizes strength, and in Lebanon, the tree serves as an important cultural symbol for that reason. Poets and artists have conveyed the tree as a sign of strength and eternity, especially given the tree’s endurance through tumultuous periods of history.
What is special about cedar trees?
People cultivate cedar because of its ornamental morphology and fragrant, durable wood that has application in the construction and furniture industry. Interesting Cedar Facts: Cedar can reach from 98 to 131 feet in height and around 8 feet in diameter (trunk). Cedar has dark-grey or brown bark.
What is the importance of cedar?
Cedar is one of the most important Native American ceremonial plants, used by many tribes as an incense and purifying herb. Cedar is especially associated with prayer, healing, dreams, and protection against disease.
Does cedar have healing properties?
Cedar leaves have long been a popular internal and external medicine for painful joints among Coastal Native Peoples. They have also been infused for cough medicine, tuberculosis and fevers. The leaves make wonderful incense and are used in smudging for purification.
What does the name cedar mean?
The name Cedar is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that means Type Of Tree.