What Bible verse is the story of Joseph?

What does the story of Joseph show about our relationship with God?

The story of each patriarch can show a lot about our relationship with God. … Joseph- shows that since Joseph’s brothers had meant to do harm to him, but everything ended up okay, that God always has a plan for us, even if it isn‘t obvious at first.

What promise did God make to Joseph?

“And that seer will I bless, and they that seek to destroy him shall be confounded; for this promise I give unto you; for I will remember you from generation to generation; and his name shall be called Joseph, and it shall be after the name of his father; and he shall be like unto you; for the thing which the Lord …

What did Joseph do in the Bible?

Joseph was one of Jacob’s 12 sons. His father loved him more than any of the others and gave him a coloured cloak. His brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery. He was taken to Egypt and eventually became steward to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials.

Are there 2 Joseph’s in the Bible?

Dutripon’s Latin Bible concordance (Paris 1838) identified 16 people named Joseph in the Bible, 9 of whom featured in the New Testament: Joseph I. Joseph (Genesis). Eleventh son of the patriarch Jacob from his wife Rachel, and the brother of Benjamin.

Did Joseph forgive his brothers?

Joseph wept, and the brothers fell before him offering to be his slaves. Joseph refused to stand in judgment of them and assured them that they were forgiven. He not only forgave them; he offered them kindness: ” ‘So then, don’t be afraid. … Joseph’s brothers had sold him into slavery when he was a teen.

What do we learn from Joseph’s story?

Joseph’s dreams first get him into trouble, but his ability to understand them leads him to be chosen by the Pharaoh and to save the world. We could learn a lesson about the mysteries of how the world works. Believers and non-believers can see it as an illustration of the need to keep trying and persevere.

Why did God allow Joseph to suffer?

Joseph put it this way: “You (brothers of mine) meant to harm me, BUT GOD intended it for a good purpose, so He could preserve the lives of many people…” (Genesis 50:20).

How did God care for Joseph?

Joseph became the overseer of a vast amount of grain that would deliver Egypt and many other people from a future famine. This was the main purpose that God had for Joseph’s life. He had absolute control over who would receive any grain that was stored up in Egypt.

How did Joseph respond to Mary’s pregnancy?

When Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant, even though they hadn’t been wed, he “planned to dismiss her quietly” because he was “unwilling to expose her to public disgrace.” But before he could cancel the wedding, “an angel of the Lord” appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to …