Who first saw Jesus after his resurrection?

Who did Jesus reveal himself to first?

Matthew has two post-resurrection appearances, the first to Mary Magdalene and “the other Mary” at the tomb, and the second, based on Mark 16:7, to all the disciples on a mountain in Galilee, where Jesus claims authority over heaven and Earth and commissions the disciples to preach the gospel to the whole world.

Who were the first to visit Jesus?

Matthew calls the visitors “Magi” (wise men) and they may well have been astrologers , following the sign of a special star in the sky. They probably came from Persia . The Magi could have come to visit weeks or even months after the shepherds visited, when Mary and Joseph had found accommodation in a house (verse 11).

Why did Peter change his name to Simon?

SIMON was his name. So, it was a strange meet-and-greet to be told by Jesus that his new name would be Peter (I’m sorry, what?), especially considering the name Peter means “rock.” Simon Peter was too emotional and impulsive to be worthy of such a name.

What was Peter’s punishment for denying Jesus?

Legend has it that the Romans were going to crucify Peter, but he told them he was not worthy to be executed in the same manner as Jesus, so he was crucified upside down.