What to do when you are tired of praying?

What do I do if I’m too tired to pray?

If worship becomes too tiring, people would soon feel it a burden and might leave it altogether. Hence, he told them to offer voluntary worship only when they are fresh and alert. Such is the supplication of believers: that they should not have a burden that is too hard.

Why do I get tired of praying?

Sometimes when we get tired of praying it is because we pray incompletely using one or two of the four basic elements of prayer. The prayer of blessing and adoration, the prayer of petition, the prayer of intercession and the prayer of thanksgiving are the four basic elements.

Does God get tired of my prayers?

Every time He answers our prayers, He does so out of love and concern for us. … As Christians doing our best to live a godly life, God won’t answer those prayers which interfere with His will for our lives. The Bible says that our heavenly Father knows our every need before we even come to Him.

What does intercessory prayer?

Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying to a deity or to a saint in heaven on behalf of oneself or others.

Is it OK to pray for the same thing over and over?

Ask God for what you want as much as it occupies your mind, because it’s those nagging, horrible, conflicting, heartbreaking needs that linger in your mind beyond one quick begging session. If you’re stuck in a prayer loop, stay in it as long as you need to. God understands. He’s even better than that judge or friend.

Is there such a thing as too much prayer?

Prayer is often our last resort, the final step in a hopeless situation. We refer to it with such phrases as “he doesn’t have a prayer,” or “there is nothing left to do but pray.” But it is perhaps the most important aspect of our human condition.