What businesses does the Mormon Church own?

What assets does the Mormon Church own?

In 2020 it managed about $100 billion in assets. Ensign employs 70 employees. In 2019, a former employee of Ensign made a whistleblower report to the IRS alleging that the church held over $100 billion of assets in a large investment fund.

Is Coca Cola owned by the Mormon Church?

It included $6 billion worth of shares in Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, and Intel. Ensign doesn’t hold Coca-Cola or Starbucks, likely because it doesn’t invest in caffeine stocks.

What is the richest church in the world?

Religious organizations

Organization Worth (billion USD) Country
The Vatican (part of the Catholic Church) 4.0 Vatican City
Opus Dei (part of the Catholic Church) 2.0 worldwide
Catholic Church in the Philippines 2.0 Philippines
Church of Scientology 2.0 United States

How much money does the LDS Church give to charity?

Since the organization’s inception in 1985, Latter-day Saint Charities has provided over $2.3 billion worth of assistance in 197 countries. 2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Does Mormon church own ancestry com?

The answer is no. Ancestry, the online genealogy giant, has never been owned by the Church of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). It has changed ownership several times and was acquired in 2020 by Blackstone, a private equity firm.

Why can’t Mormons drink coffee?

The Word of Wisdom also states that “hot drinks” are forbidden. At the time of the revelation, the most common hot beverages were tea and coffee. Because of this coffee, teas, alcohol, and tobacco were all seen as harmful for health and not conducive to a good and pure way of living.

Who owns Pepsico?