Quick Answer: What is a valid SIN number?

How do I check if my SIN number is valid?

You can confirm the SIN of a current or former employee by contacting Service Canada at 1-866-274-6627. If calling from outside Canada, dial 506-548-7961 (long distance charges apply).

Why is my SIN number invalid?

You may encounter this error if you accidentally key in an incorrect number when entering your SIN into the tax software. If you enter 8 characters instead of 9, or accidentally type a letter instead of a number, the field will revert to its initial state.

Can a SIN number start with 0?

If you extend your temporary status in Canada, you may obtain a new SIN card with a new expiry date. … These numbers are similar to Social Insurance Numbers but begin with a “0”. A SIN card where the first digit begins with 9 that does not have an expiry date is no longer valid. You will need to re-apply for a SIN card.

Can I work on expired SIN?

Yes. If you applied to extend your work permit before your initial work permit expired, you can keep working, even if your SIN is expired. This is allowed under the Employment Insurance Act and Regulations.

What documents do I need to get a new SIN card?

If you are applying by mail, you must provide the following documents:

  • an original valid primary identity document.
  • a completed and signed SIN application form. …
  • an original valid supporting document (only applicable if the name on your primary identity document is different from the name on the SIN application)

Why is my SIN number not working for CRA?

SIN/surname mismatch

A common error could be using a maiden name or married name that has not been updated on CRA records. If this is the case, the individual should contact CRA to update their surname.

How do I enter SIN in CRA?

Completing your tax return

Enter your SIN on the first line of the “Information about you” area of the “Step 1 – Identification and other information” section on page 1 of your tax return.

What does a SIN starting with 5 mean?

4-5 is used in Ontario, excluding northwestern Ontario. 6 is for prairie provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta), Northwest Territories, Nunavut and northwestern Ontario. 7 is used in the Pacific region (British Columbia and Yukon). 8 and 0 are not used.

Is SSN and SIN the same?

In Canada, the Social Insurance Number (SIN) is the equivalent to Social Security Number (SSN) in the U.S. Canadian residents use SINs for government programs and as a source of identification in the private sector.

Can a Canadian get a US Social Security number?

Only non-citizens authorized to work in the U.S. are eligible for a Social Security number. Those with a non-employment based temporary visa without authorization to work in the U.S. are not permitted to apply for a social security number.