You asked: How does Brazil pronounce Jesus?

Which is correct Jesus or Jesus’s?

A: The form written with an apostrophe plus “s” (that is, “Jesus’s”) can represent either a contraction (short for “Jesus is” or “Jesus has”) or the possessive form of the name. But in the expression you’re writing, it would clearly be the possessive.

How do you say Jesus in Spanish?

In almost all situations, the Spanish name Jesus is pronounced “hay-SOOS”. The J is pronounced just like an “H” sound in English. The Spanish ‘u’ vowel is similar to the pronounciation of the double O in the word “moon”.

When a name has an S at the end?

For names ending in s or es and having two or more syllables, you usually just add an apostrophe. If the name is only one syllable, add -‘s.

Is it Travis or Travis’s?

Apparently if it’s a singular owner with a name ending in S, you use Travis’s. If it was a multiple owners ending in S, then you use Jones’. Travis’s is what it’ll be.

How do you say Jesus in Latin?

In the Latin version of the Gloria, the name Jesus is rendered as “Domine Fili unigenite Jesu Christe“. However, in the Latin Vulgate, the name of Jesus is rendered as “Iesus”.

How do you say Bible in German?

Translation of Bible in German

  1. 1 Buch der Bücher.
  2. 2 Bibel.