What does the Bible say about the power of the mind?

What does the Bible say about controlling your mind?

(NIV) “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but (instead) be transformed by the renewing of your mind. … So his command to control and discipline our own minds and thoughts found in Philippians 4:8 is ultimately doable for every single one of us.

How do you guard your mind?

5 ways to guard your mind against negative thoughts:

  1. Never watch too many TV programs that are full of negativity: When we go home from our work life, we are so tired to do something creative. …
  2. Stay away from negative people: Don’t dwell time with negative people.

What does the Bible say about strength of mind?

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. … Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Isaiah 26: 3-4 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.

What does God say about overthinking?

Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6.

How do you get rid of bad thoughts in the Bible?

Consistently meditate on His word and use it to fight negative thoughts. The power of God is stronger than ANYTHING and when you use His weapon to fight back those negative thoughts, you will win! Rest on Him, He will get your mind right!

How do you keep your mind and heart pure?

How to Be Pure

  1. Get a New Heart. We are not pure people by nature. …
  2. Love What God Loves. Indeed, this is the heart of the matter: having a heart that fears and loves God and wants to do the things that bring Him glory. …
  3. Control Yourself. Self-control helps your progress toward purity. …
  4. Be Accountable.

How do I focus solely on God?

5 Ways to Focus on God (and Not the World)

  1. Consistent Bible Study.
  2. Constant Prayer.
  3. Read Books that Grow Your Faith.
  4. Preach the Truth to Yourself.
  5. Recount Your Blessings.

How can I protect my mind from negative thoughts?

5 Ways to Stop Dwelling on Negative Thoughts

  1. Go Shopping in Your Mind. One distraction trick Winch recommends is to visualize yourself in the grocery store. …
  2. Keep Positive Company. …
  3. Physically Throw Them Away. …
  4. Have a Cup of Tea. …
  5. Reframe Your Situation.

What does Psalm 27 say?

Psalm 27 Of David. The LORD is my light and my salvation– whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life– of whom shall I be afraid? When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.

What does Philippians 4 13 mean?

Many people have misused Philippians 4:13 and taken it to mean that you can do all the things you desire through Christ. When you take this verse out of context, you will think it means doing anything you want. … You can’t pursue ungodly desires (2 Timothy 2:22) and expect God to strengthen you to fulfill them.