Question: What are the dimensions of a personal size Bible?

What does it mean Thinline Bible?

The ESV Large Print Thinline Bible includes the entire ESV text in a readable, larger type size, while maintaining a portable format at less than 1-inch thick, making it a great choice for easy transport.

What is the difference between personal size Bible and regular?

The dimensions of the personal size are almost exactly the same as my ESV Reference Bible (except for the thickness). It is also much lighter. You can comfortably hold the Bible in one hand. – The font size of the Bible text is 7.7 which is still quite comfortable.

What do you call a small Bible?

Pocket Bibles also referred to as compact Bibles, are a perfect addition to anyone’s Bible collection. …

Is the ESV Bible accurate?

The English Standard Version is the result. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the ESV is a light revision of the RSV and that, because of the textual basis and translational errors carried over from the RSV, it is not a trustworthy translation of the Bible.

What is a good study Bible to have?

Top 10 Best Study Bible Reviews

  • The Jeremiah Study Bible, NKJV: Jacketed Hardcover: What It Says. …
  • NKJV, The MacArthur Study Bible, Hardcover: Revised and Updated Edition.
  • ESV Student Study Bible.
  • ESV Study Bible (Indexed)
  • KJV Study Bible, Large Print, Hardcover, Red Letter Edition: Second Edition.

How thick is a Thinline Bible?

At less than 1 inch thick and available in multiple designs, there is an ideal ESV Thinline Bible for everyone. Features: Size: 5.375 x 8.375. 8-point Lexicon type.