Is holy priest good in Shadowlands?

Is holy or disc better in Shadowlands?

Holy has a better throughput/mana ratio, while disc has more reliable radiance + penance + shadowmend for scary situations. In 3’s this makes a massive difference for disc since damage output is so much higher.

Which priest spec is best for healing Shadowlands?

The Holy Priest is the classic, most user-friendly healing class available. New players will find the Holy spec abilities easy to understand. This is not a dig on the class, though, as a Holy Priest can match other healing specs in high-level mythic dungeons and Castle Nathria.

Which race is best for priest?

Priest Class Best Race

  • Best – Undead, Dwarves.
  • Average – Night Elf, Troll, Humans.
  • Weak –
  • Not Available – Tauren, Gnome, Orc.

Is disc priest better than holy?

Holy Priest

It excels at AoE healing and less skill is required to put out consistent heals for your team as compared to Discipline healer. If you’re a casual player then we recommend you go with the holy priest spec. … If you’re skilled enough even the holy priest can out DPS discipline priest in some scenarios.

Which priest spec is best for PVP?

When it comes to PVP Priest Specs that do damage there is pretty much only two option and that’s Shadow and Discipline. Discipline Spec has some good burst damage and other useful talents for PVP, while Shadow is as you would expect a lot of Shadow damage in the form of DOTs.

Are discipline priests good healers?

Healing through dealing damage allows Discipline Priests to contribute to the raid’s DPS while still performing well as a healer. Discipline Priests provide very significant, on-demand AoE burst healing on a very short cooldown.

What is the best covenant for holy priest?

Best Covenants for Holy Priest

Best Raid Covenants
Covenants Rating Best Soulbind
Kyrian Good, Damage Focused Pelagos
Necrolord Great, Defensive/Throughput Value Emeni
Night Fae Great, Utility, Mobility, Mana Regen Niya

Are Holy Paladins fun?

When they first introduced holy power, it was the most fun I’d ever had with my paladin. I think it was in Cata, and it was after spending Wrath spamming either Flash of Light or Holy Light, depending on the build you were running. That made for a spammy, boring playstyle, which holy power made dynamic and interesting.

Which healer is best in Shadowlands?

Mistweaver Monk

November 6 update: Mistweaver does the most healing output in the game, with no close second. If damage reduction cooldowns were not needed, they would be the single strongest healer that you could bring.

Is holy priest easy?

Holy Priest’s strength comes from its immense amounts of healing throughput. Holy Priest is also easy to pick up and start learning. Their weakness is that they are a jack-of-all-trades, master of none kind of spec, and they bring no damage reduction to the table, unlike the other priest healing spec: Discipline.

Is Priest a good DPS?

Discipline Priests are the DPS healer, so their DPS will obviously be the highest out of any healer specialization!

Can holy priest DPS?

So yes there is a holy dps spec, but it isn’t better then your normal healing spec for soloing. This spec sure deals out more damage than a standard healing spec.