Who was Jesus best friend?

Who were Jesus special friends?

Real friends: Jesus’s 12 disciples, finally ranked

  • 5) John, brother of James [the Great]
  • 6) Judas Thaddeus, also known as Jude. …
  • 7) Matthew. …
  • 8) Andrew, brother of Peter. …
  • 9) Peter (born Simon) …
  • 10) James the Less. …
  • 11) Bartholomew. …
  • 12) Simon the Zealot. …

Who was Jesus’s first friend?

Nathanael or Nathaniel (Hebrew נתנאל, “God has given”) of Cana in Galilee was a follower or disciple of Jesus, mentioned only in the Gospel of John in Chapters 1 and 21.

Who were Lazarus friends?

Today’s lesson is about one of Jesus’ very dear friends – a man named Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha, who lived in Bethany.

What is Jesus favorite number?

seven is God’s favorite number. The proof? The Holy Bible. Throughout the Bible (from Genesis to Revelation), the number seven appears many times.

Does Jesus have a brother?

The New Testament describes James, Joseph (Joses), Judas (Jude), and Simon as brothers of Jesus (Greek: ἀδελφοί, romanized: adelphoi, lit. ‘brothers’).

Who did Jesus give Mary to the cross?

Jesus chose John, and the disciple took Mary into his home to care for her as Jesus had commanded.