Which covenant is best for priest?

Which Soulbind is best for holy priest?

Best Necrolord Holy Priest Soulbind

Holy Priest’s best choice for soulbind for Necrolord at Renown 40 is Emeni which should continue into higher renown levels.

Is Night Fae good for disc priest?

Faeries main ability gives you some support tools for a very short time, being one of them a Cooldown Reduction of 150%, and that’s the main reason why Moadmoad is testing Night Fae. However, Night Fae has no synergy with atonement healing. That means a NF Disc Priest is useless in raids.

Is Venthyr good for priest?

Venthyr Priest Signature Ability: Door of Shadows

Door of Shadows is an excellent movement cooldown for Priests that can be used in a variety of situations. … Having another cooldown from your Venthyr Signature ability will be valuable.

Is kyrian good for holy priest?

Kyrian Exclusive Legendary for Holy Priests

The cooldown reduction provided by this legendary gives a strong damage bonus but not strong enough to take as your sole legendary for Holy Priest.

How do you use ascended boon?

When you activate Boon of the Ascended and press Ascended Blast or Ascended Nova, a blast of arcane damage hits the target’s location, dealing damage split between all targets over 8 seconds. The cooldown on Boon of the Ascended gets reduced by 12s for each of the enemies hit (up to 60 seconds).

How does FAE guardians work holy priest?

Night Fae Priest Class Ability: Fae Guardians

The chaotic Fae Guardians is the Night Fae Priest Covenant ability. It produces three faeries at once that can move to a new target depending on the spell cast. … Target an ally and the offensive Faerie will not apply, while the other two will be applied on your ally.

How do you use Fae guardians?

When you cast Fae Guardians, the Guardian and Benevolent Faerie will be summoned immediately on yourself. You can then cast Power Word: Shield to move the Guardian Faerie to your desired target, Shadow Mend to move the Benevolent Faerie, and Shadow Word: Pain to apply the Wrathful Faerie.

What does night Fae priest do?

Night Fae Shadow Priest Soulbinds Explained

They are the NPCs with whom you complete the zone story, and they allow you to “attune” yourself to them to gain access to a tree of upgrades centered around your base toolkit (through Conduits) and Covenant abilities (through special game-wide traits).