What was the significance of the new prayer book Edward introduced in 1552?

What is the significance of the Book of Common Prayer?

The Book of Common Prayer gathered the elements of the medieval year into a compact form that has largely survived. It reinforced the basic pattern, while simplifying some aspects of the annual round, using traditional prayers and readings to mark its contours.

What was stated in the second prayer book issued in 1552?

…into a preacher and teacher, The Second Prayer Book of Edward VI (1552) was avowedly Protestant, altars were turned into tables, clerical vestments gave way to plain surplices, and religious orthodoxy was enforced by a new and more stringent Act of Uniformity.

What was introduced in 1552?

In the 1552 Book the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving is found in the optional post-communion Prayer of Oblation whereby the communicants ask that ‘this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving’ be accepted followed by the self-oblation of the communicants as holy and living sacrifices.

What is the history of the Book of Common Prayer?

Book of Common Prayer, liturgical book used by churches of the Anglican Communion. First authorized for use in the Church of England in 1549, it was radically revised in 1552, with subsequent minor revisions in 1559, 1604, and 1662.

Which statement best describes the Book of Common Prayer?

Which statement best describes the Book of Common Prayer? The Book of Common Prayer was a document that established a number of new denominations. The Book of Common Prayer was a list of challenges that criticized the Catholic Church.

What was the second act of uniformity?

In March 1552, a second Act of Uniformity was passed. This made it an offence for any member of the clergy or laity not to attend a church service. Offenders could be fined or imprisoned. Cranmer’s new ‘Book of Common Prayer’ became the official basis for Church of England services.

What was the Act of Uniformity Edward?

During Edward VI’s reign, the Act of Uniformity, approved by Parliament in 1549, took the reformation forward by establishing a Book of Common Prayer. This contained the wording of prayers and the order of service to be used throughout the kingdom in place of the old Catholic practices.