What is the story behind the hymn Turn your eyes upon Jesus?

Who wrote the song Turn your eyes upon Jesus?

Who was Helen Howarth?

Helen Howarth Lemmel was born in England in 1863, into the home of a Wesleyan minister who immigrated to America when Helen was a child. She loved music, and her parents provided the best vocal teachers they could find. Eventually Helen returned to Europe to study vocal music in Germany.

What does it mean to turn your eyes to God?

Turning our eyes upon Jesus, allowing Him to show our hearts who He really is, causes the circumstances and events of the world to grow strangely dim. When our hearts begin to grasp the bigness of our Heavenly Father – the Creator of this universe – the issues we are facing are put in their proper place.

What is sovereign grace?

Official website. sovereigngrace.com. Sovereign Grace Churches (SGM; previously Sovereign Grace Ministries and People of Destiny International, PDI) is a group of Reformed, neocharismatic, Evangelical, restorationist, Christian churches primarily located in North America.