What is the most readable version of the Bible?

What is the best version of the Bible to read and understand?

For many people, the New Living Translation (NLT) is the easiest version of the Bible to read because it uses normal modern English. It is an accurate thought-for-thought translation of the original languages of the Bible and is widely accepted.

Which version of the Bible is easiest to understand?

The Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) is an English translation of the Bible compiled by the World Bible Translation Center. It was originally published as the English Version for the Deaf (EVD) by BakerBooks.

Is NLT or NIV better?

The main difference is that the NIV is a word-for-word translation. The team for it took the original language texts and made a fresh translation into English. If you’re an English reader the NLT is probably the more readable, but the NIV gives a closer idea of the underlying text.

What version of the Bible do people read?

What is the version or translation of the Bible you read most often?

Characteristic Share of respondents
King James Version 31%
New International Version 13%
English Standard Version 9%
New King James Version 7%

Why is KJV better than NIV?

For example, the standard King James Version (KJV) made reading and understanding the Bible easier for people in the 1600s. Today’s KJV reads at a 12th-grade level. … The NIV also adheres closely to the literal texts but provides more of an intended meaning of Scripture.

What’s the best way to read the Bible?

Another order to read the Bible is to jump back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. For example, read Genesis, then Luke, go back to Exodus, then jump to Acts, etc… Another way is to read them simultaneously. For example, read a few chapters of Genesis and a few chapters of Luke each day.

Is ESV a good Bible translation?

The English Standard Version is the result. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that the ESV is a light revision of the RSV and that, because of the textual basis and translational errors carried over from the RSV, it is not a trustworthy translation of the Bible.

Why is reading the Bible so hard?

One of the reasons the Bible is hard to read is because of the historical, language, and cultural gap between when it was written and your life today. On a side note, it’s amazing how long ago the Bible was written and it is still changing people’s lives all over the world!

What is a good study Bible to have?

Top 10 Best Study Bible Reviews

  • The Jeremiah Study Bible, NKJV: Jacketed Hardcover: What It Says. …
  • NKJV, The MacArthur Study Bible, Hardcover: Revised and Updated Edition.
  • ESV Student Study Bible.
  • ESV Study Bible (Indexed)
  • KJV Study Bible, Large Print, Hardcover, Red Letter Edition: Second Edition.

What version is ESV?

The English Standard Version (ESV) is an English translation of the Bible.

English Standard Version
Abbreviation ESV
Complete Bible published 2001
Derived from Revised Standard Version (2nd ed., 1971)