What is the earliest symbol of Christianity?

What was the first symbol of Christianity?

History of Christian symbols

The original symbol of the early Christians was not the cross, but the monogram of Christ XP (first letters Chi and Rho of the Greek orthography ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ “Christ”). Moreover, at that time the followers of Jesus used a stylised fish as a secret sign to identify themselves as Christians.

What was the first religious symbol?

The Angelic Horse is known through Scripture and Traditional Stories as ‘The Living Being in The Wheel’. This Chauvet Cave ‘set in stone’ Spirit appears without It’s Wheel (Chariot; Drum; Throne; Key) thus becoming our first religious art and first religious symbol.

What was the cross a symbol of before Jesus?

The cross in its various shapes and forms was a symbol of various beliefs. In pre-Christian times it was a pagan religious symbol throughout Europe and western Asia. In ancient times, the effigy of a man hanging on a cross was set up in the fields to protect the crops.

What are the 5 symbols of Christianity?

Symbols of faith

  • The Alpha and Omega. In Revelation, Jesus called Himself the Alpha and the Omega, meaning He existed before anything else and will exist after all else ceases. …
  • The Anchor. …
  • The Angel. …
  • The Butterfly. …
  • The Daisy. …
  • The Descending Dove. …
  • The Fleur-de-lis. …
  • The Heart.

What are the 3 main symbols of Christianity?

Three important symbols are the cross, fish, and the Greek letters alpha and omega.

What does the fish symbol mean in Christianity?

Next to that, the ichthus, or fish symbol ranked as one of the most important in unlocking the secrets of the mystery that became Christianity. … To the early Christian community, this signified, “Iesous Christos, Theou Yios, Soter,” or in the English translation of the Greek, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.