Who celebrates Christmas on January 6th?
During the “Armenian Christmas” season, the major events that are celebrated are the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem and His Baptism in the River Jordan. The day of this major feast in the Armenian Church is January 6th.
How is Epiphany celebrated in Italy?
The people of Florence also celebrate the Epiphany with the annual Cavalcade of the Magi, a re-enactment of the arrival of the Magi (Three Wise Men) while in Montescaglioso, in the Matera region in Southern Italy, figures dressed in black, with big bushy beards, parade through the streets on 5 January with lighted …
How does Spain celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany?
Festivities officially start the day before the actual feast day of los reyes magos. On January 5, parades take place throughout the country to celebrate the arrival of the kings. Spanish families line the streets of their hometown to get a glimpse of the cabalgata de los reyes magos, or Three Kings Day parade.
Why does Latin America celebrate Three Kings Day?
Three Kings Day is celebrated throughout Latin America and Spain as an occasion for gift-giving! … Christians celebrate this day as the Epiphany – the day the three wise men found the newborn Jesus Christ after following a star through the desert for 12 days after his birth.