Why is infant baptism important?
Christians believe that baptism welcomes the child into the Church, and removes from the baby original sin that was brought into the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden . … Christian denominations that practise infant baptism include Anglicans , Roman Catholics , Presbyterians and Orthodox .
Why is infant baptism not important?
Some people would agree that infant baptism is not as important as believers baptism. … This is because they believe it doesn’t matter how long you have been a Christian, as long as you are devoted to God nonetheless.
When should a baby be baptized?
According to canon law, babies should be baptized within their first few weeks of life. Because we wanted all family to be present and were planning two moves within the first year of our child’s life, we waited until we were settled to baptize her.
What is the meaning of infant baptism?
Infant baptism. Infant baptism is the practice of baptising infants or young children. In theological discussions, the practice is sometimes referred to as paedobaptism, or pedobaptism, from the Greek pais meaning “child”.
Do unbaptized babies go to heaven?
Church doctrine now states that unbaptized babies can go to heaven instead of getting stuck somewhere between heaven and hell. … According to church catechisms, or teachings, babies that haven’t been splashed with holy water bear the original sin, which makes them ineligible for joining God in heaven.
Is it biblical to baptize babies?
All true Christians see baptism as a seal of God’s grace for sinners, not of our own goodness. … Even those who support infant baptism still insist that those who are baptized as babies must later respond with a public profession of personal faith in Christ as Lord and Savior, and must live for him.
Is it better to be Baptised as an infant?
Because baptism confers saving grace, the earlier a person comes to baptism, the better. In infant baptism, then, though the child is too young to have faith, the parents extend their faith on the child’s behalf.
What are the disadvantages of infant baptism?
- People are not old enough to make their own decisions.
- Jesus was an adult when he was baptised – “and when Jesus had been baptised, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened”
- “and a voice from heaven said this is my son for whom I’m well pleased”
Is baptism needed for salvation?
The New Testament teaches that eternal salvation happens at the point of faith and that baptism is not part of the gospel. Most passages often used to teach that water baptism is necessary for eternal life do not even speak about water baptism, but rather about spiritual baptism.
Can I baptize my child without godparents?
Most churches will require at least one godparent for a child’s baptism. … Some churches may allow the child’s parents to be godparents for their child, but they may also require another godparent that isn’t a natural parent. While some other churches require 2 godparents, one of each gender that are baptised christians.
How do you baptize a baby?
They don’t know the reason that you want to baptise your child. Churches want to baptise for the right reasons – belief in Jesus. So the pastor really needs to determine your motive to do his job well, hopefully without offending anyone.