What does the Bible say about anger and impatience?

What does God say about being impatient?

Psalm 37:7

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes.”

What is the sin of impatience?

Further, a sin that is closely connected to impatience is irritability. Bridges defines impatience as a strong sense of annoyance or exasperation. But irritability is described as, “the frequency of impatience, or the ease with which a person can become impatient over the slightest provocation.”

What is the spiritual root of impatience?

Somewhere in our impatience is the passion we have to be served, to be in control, to be obeyed—to be like God. Pride is our biggest stumbling block to growing in patience. “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you?

How do you overcome impatience?

Some strategies for change include:

  1. Breathing! Take deep, slow breaths, and count to 10. …
  2. Scanning your body. …
  3. Changing your thoughts around the source of your impatience. …
  4. Using coping statements or mantras that promote patience and a sense of calm. …
  5. Accepting imperfection. …
  6. Being mindful. …
  7. Fueling yourself.

Is being impatient bad?

Just like any emotion, impatience isn’t intrinsically bad per se, it’s how you choose to express your impatience that can hurt you. Self-awareness is key. It is the ingredient that goes with everything in life. Watch your mind and stay alert regarding your behavior.

How can I learn to be more patient?

4 Tips to Help You Be a More Patient Person, Science Says You Will be Happier

  1. Make Yourself Wait. The best way to practice patience is to make yourself wait. …
  2. Stop Doing Things That Aren’t Important. …
  3. Be Mindful of the Things Making You Impatient. …
  4. Relax and Take Deep Breaths.