What does doctrine in the Bible mean?

What does doctrine mean?

1a : a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : dogma Catholic doctrine. b : a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relations the Truman Doctrine. c law : a principle of law established through past decisions.

What is an example of doctrine?

Doctrine is defined as a principle or group of principles which are taught by a religion or political party. An example of doctrine is the teaching of the Ten Commandments in Christianity. noun.

What does religious doctrine mean?

doctrine. / (ˈdɒktrɪn) / noun. a creed or body of teachings of a religious, political, or philosophical group presented for acceptance or belief; dogma. a principle or body of principles that is taught or advocated.

What are the four types of doctrine?

Measure of religiosity

He divides doctrine into four categories: content, frequency (degree to which it may occupy the person’s mind), intensity and centrality. Each of these may vary from one religion to the next, within that religious tradition.

What is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit?

Mainstream doctrines. The theology of spirits is called pneumatology. The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Lord and Giver of Life in the Nicene creed. He is the Creator Spirit, present before the creation of the universe and through his power everything was made in Jesus Christ, by God the Father.

What is the root of doctrine?

The word comes from the Latin doctor for “teacher,” so think of a doctrine is the teachings of a school, religion, or political group. … Doctrine and doctor derive from the same Latin word, docere, which means “to teach”: doctor means “teacher,” and doctrina means “teaching, learning.”

What is the purpose of doctrine?

Doctrine is a belief, or set of beliefs, held by an organization about the best (or right) way to do things. Doctrine reflects the culture of an organization and staffs’ understanding of how those beliefs relate to their roles and responsibilities.

What is a case doctrine?

It means that whatever is once irrevocably established the controlling legal rule of decision between the same parties in the same case continues to be the law of the case whether correct on general principles or not, so long as the facts on which such decision was predicated continue to be the facts of the case before …

What are church doctrines?

Definitions of church doctrine. the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group. synonyms: creed, gospel, religious doctrine.

What is the difference between doctrine and belief?

As nouns the difference between belief and doctrine

is that belief is mental acceptance of a claim as truth regardless of supporting or contrary empirical evidence while doctrine is a belief or tenet, especially about philosophical or theological matters.