What do you say in a Catholic baptism?

What do I have to say during a baptism?


  • “Warmest wishes on your baptism…and welcome to our community of faith.”
  • “You’re getting baptized—and I’m feeling overjoyed for you!”
  • “Rejoicing with you as you celebrate your baptism. …
  • “May you always remember this day, and may God’s joy, love and peace fill you through all your tomorrows.”

What does the priest ask at baptism?

During the Baptism of an infant, the priest or deacon asks the parents, “What name do you give your child?” … In adult Baptism, skip this step. The priest or deacon asks, “What do you ask of God’s Church for your child?” The parents respond, “Baptism.” If an adult is being baptized, she answers the same.

What is baptism in simple words?

The definition of baptism is a religious ceremony that involves a brief immersion in water or water being sprinkled over the head or forehead as a symbol of washing away sin. … A similar ceremony of initiation, purification or naming.

What are the five steps of baptism?

It was obtainable in five simple steps: Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, be Baptized. It was easy to memorize, easy to count.

What do godparents give for Catholic baptism?

Traditional godparent gifts include silver spoons, eating utensils, and plates and bowls. These keepsake gifts can be engraved with the child’s name, dates of birth and Christening, and a special message from the godparent.

What do the godparents do at a baptism?

In the modern baptism of an infant or child, the godparent or godparents make a profession of faith for the person being baptized (the godchild) and assume an obligation to serve as proxies for the parents if the parents either are unable or neglect to provide for the religious training of the child, in fulfillment of …

What do godparents pay for at a Catholic baptism?

Because the Godparent is the official Christening sponsor, the responsibility falls on them to pay for any expenses associated with the ceremony itself. This includes the white baptismal outfit, white towels, bottle of oil and the oil sheet, the witness pins, and the cross.