What did Samuel do when God called him?

How did Samuel obey God?

How did Samuel obey God? (He went to see Jesse. He waited for God to tell him who to make king.) Samuel obeyed God when he showed that David would be the new king. Samuel showed that he loved God by obeying Him.

What happened to Samuel in the Bible?

Samuel died sometime during Saul’s years of pursuing David, but the disgraced king would see the old prophet one more time. When the king found that he could no longer talk to God—he had killed the priesthood, leaving only one, who was with David—he sought out a spiritist, a witch at Endor.

What did Samuel do?

The prophet Samuel (ca. 1056-1004 B.C.) was the last judge of Israel and the first of the prophets after Moses. He inaugurated the monarchy by choosing and anointing Saul and David as kings of Israel. … He seemed able to penetrate the future, and the people looked upon him as a prophet.

Why was Samuel needed in Israel?

Why was Samuel needed in Isreal? There was chaos in Isreael and no leadership, and the people were forgetting God. … He felt that God was Israel’s king.