What did Jesus say about divine mercy?

Where is divine mercy of Jesus?

Christ of the Divine Mercy – Cagayan de Oro, Philippines – Atlas Obscura.

What was the message that Jesus wanted for St Faustina to deliver to the whole world?

Faustina. He spoke to her just as he did the prophets of old and gave her a mission: “I am sending you with my mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to my merciful heart” (Diary, No. 1588).

What did Jesus say to Faustina?

“I know very well what I am of myself because for this purpose Jesus has opened the eyes of my soul; I am an abyss of misery, and hence I understand that whatever good there is in my soul consists solely of His holy grace.” – St. Faustina, ‘Divine Mercy in My Soul‘. 27.

What happens when you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet?

Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death. When they say this Chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the Merciful Savior. Priests will recommend it to sinners as their last hope of salvation.

What does St Faustina want to impart to us?

He asked her to invite other souls to trust and requested that she implore trust for the dying. The Lord urged her to fight for the salvation of souls by encouraging them to trust in the mercy of God.