Why is there no room 420 in hotels?
The reason is that 420 related items have become stoner trophies. Road signs are one target: road markers bearing the number 420 in Colorado have had to be replaced with 419.99, for instance. Hotel rooms have become another, forcing some hotels to phase out the room number altogether.
Do hotel Bibles have money in them?
There’s money in your Bible.
Ah, the ubiquitous Gideon Bibles, found in hotel rooms of all types for decades. Rumor has it that you can find $100 bills in these Bibles as “rewards” for reading them or as charity for those who might be in need.
What is the most stolen item from hotels?
Towels are actually the most stolen items from hotel rooms, which is why many high-end hotels are actually installing electronic tags on them. With towels and even bed linens in your luggage, you might end up having to pay for whatever you took because of the tracking microchips installed in them.
How do the Gideons make money?
Bibles, not blimps
Each Bible costs the Gideons about $5. Operating purely on donations, with no advertising or vast Internet outreach — there’s no Gideon blimp — the Gideon way works precisely because Gideons ignore a golden rule of sound business practices.
Why do Gideons give out Bibles?
They wondered how they might be more effective witnesses for Christ on the road, and hit upon the idea of providing Bibles to hotels. They could be used not only by the Gideons’ members as they traveled around the country, but also borrowed by other guests in need of them.
Do hotels know if you take a towel?
According to the Telegraph, however, 68 percent of people in a survey admitted they steal linens and towels from hotel rooms. Beware that some hotels can track stolen towels thanks to electronic tags, HuffPost reports. These are the 14 weirdest things you can actually borrow from hotels.