What are three ways Christianity spread?

How did Christianity spread quizlet?

It was spread by apostles and missionaries. It was seen as a threat, and they were persecuted, until the emperor Constantine became a Christian.

What 3 historical reasons led to the rise and spread of Christianity after the death of Jesus?

3 historical reasons that lead to the rise and spread of Christianity after the death of Jesus are the Romans that continued to make things bad for the Jews, Saul of Tarus, and Christainity was born and flourished an empire with common language that allowed it to rise.

How did Christianity spread across Europe?

The Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity in AD 380. During the Early Middle Ages, most of Europe underwent Christianization, a process essentially complete with the Baltic Christianization in the 15th century.

Why did Christianity spread so quickly quizlet?

Christianity spread quickly through the Roman empire because Peter and Paul began to preach it to the pagans. Emporer Constantine allowed Christians to come out of their catacombs and build churches and cemeteries. Later, Emporer Theodosis makes Christianity the official religion of Rome.

How did Christianity spread through the Roman Empire?

Christianity was spread through the Roman Empire by the early followers of Jesus. … Christianity gained adherents among both Jews and non-Jews, bringing them together with a message of unity before God.

What caused Christianity to spread?

Ehrman attributes the rapid spread of Christianity to five factors: (1) the promise of salvation and eternal life for everyone was an attractive alternative to Roman religions; (2) stories of miracles and healings purportedly showed that the one Christian God was more powerful than the many Roman gods; (3) Christianity …

What helped Christianity spread?

The spread of Christianity was made a lot easier by the efficiency of the Roman Empire, but its principles were sometimes misunderstood and membership of the sect could be dangerous. … This was helped by energetic apostles, such as Paul and by the modern communications of the Roman Empire.

How did Christianity spread in Africa?

In the 15th century Christianity came to Sub-Saharan Africa with the arrival of the Portuguese. In the South of the continent the Dutch founded the beginnings of the Dutch Reform Church in 1652. In the interior of the continent most people continued to practice their own religions undisturbed until the 19th century.