Quick Answer: Why is it difficult to know how realistic the Luttrell Psalter is?

Is the Luttrell Psalter useful?

The Luttrell Psalter is one of the most famous medieval manuscripts because of its rich illustrations of everyday life in the 14th century. … Copies of the manuscript were published, and its pictures widely reproduced as illustrations in history books.

What does the Luttrell Psalter Tell us about peasants?

What is the Luttrell Psalter? The psalter shows a year’s work for agricultural peasants. Wheat is cut, sheep are kept, a feast is prepared, wool is spun, ploughs are operated, archery is practised, and much more.

What is the most likely reason why the Luttrell Psalter was created?

What is the most likely reason why the Luttrell Psalter was created? To design a book that could be copied and distributed across the country. To show that Geoffrey Luttrell was a powerful and wealthy landowner.

When was the Luttrell Psalter written?

It was made in the diocese of Lincoln for Sir Geoffrey Luttrell (1276 – 1345) of Irnham, probably sometime between 1325 and 1335. The text was written throughout by one scribe and illuminated by at least five different artists.

Which correctly identifies the connection between peasants and serf?

Which correctly identifies the connection between peasants and serfs? Most peasants were also serfs. Which of these people was a member of the clergy in medieval times?

What is the village like section of a fief?


Term Middle Ages Definition Era between ancient times and modern times. From 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.
Term Vassal Definition One who pledged to serve a person of higher rank.
Term Guild Definition An organization of merchants or traders.
Term Manor Definition The village-like section of a fief.