Quick Answer: What is the pledge allegiance to the Bible?

What does allegiance mean in the Bible?

fidelity, allegiance, fealty, loyalty, devotion, piety mean faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty.

What does the Bible say about flags?

Exodus 15:20. Flags can be used as a demonstrative tool in spiritual warfare (battle). Set up a banner in the land, Blow the trumpet among the nations! Prepare the nations against her, Call the kingdoms together against her: Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz.

What is the root word of Allegiance?

The first records of the word allegiance come from the 1300s. It comes from the French root lige, meaning “liege,” a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service. The word originally referred to such loyalty—that owed to a king or lord. Later, it came to mean a person’s duty to their government.

What does indivisible in the pledge mean?

Something indivisible cannot be broken up or divided: it’s rock solid. The most common use of the word indivisible is in the Pledge of Allegiance, where it is used to show how our country is united and can’t be broken up. But you can use this word for any group or organization that seems indestructible.

Why is it important to pledge allegiance?

Reciting the Pledge is a mark of patriotism to the country. It is an action that symbolizes your loyalty to the United States of America and the feeling that as an American, you are proud to be part of this country.

Does God have a flag?

The flag has a white field, with a red Latin cross inside a blue canton. The shade of red on the cross symbolizes the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary.

Christian Flag.

Adopted 1897 (unofficial) 1942
Design A white banner with a red Latin Cross charged upon a blue canton
Designed by Charles C. Overton and Ralph Eugene Diffendorfer

What does Nissi mean in Hebrew?

The Septuagint translators believed nis·si′ to be derived from nus (flee for refuge) and rendered it “the Lord My Refuge“, while in the Vulgate it was thought to be derived from na·sas′ (hoist; lift up) and was rendered “Jehovah Is My Exaltation”.

What does God’s banner mean?

In the Bible when God is described as Jehovah Nissi it is as Israel’s banner, in recognition of His powerful defence of His people. God is their confidence in battle, He is their rallying point and their identity is found in Him.