Quick Answer: What is the largest church in Ghana?

Who has the largest church in Ghana?

This is a list of the largest evangelical church auditoriums. The list is based on the human seating capacity of the evangelical church auditoriums.


Auditorium name Perez Dome
Church Perez Chapel International
Year completed 2011
Capacity 14,000
Location Accra, Ghana

Which church has more branches in Ghana?

1. The Church of Pentecost. The Church of Pentecost is a Ghanaian Pentecostal denomination that spread and is now present in more than 105 countries. The church was founded in 1962, and as of 2021, it has over 3 million members.

Which church has the largest population?

Catholicism is the largest branch of Christianity with 1.345 billion, and the Catholic Church is the largest among churches.

Who has the largest church congregation in the world?

With about 480,000 members, it is the largest Pentecostal Christian congregation in South Korea. Founded by David Yonggi Cho and Choi Ja-shil in 1958, the church is presently led by Young Hoon Lee.

Yoido Full Gospel Church.

Yoido Full Gospel Church 여의도 순복음 교회
Capacity 12,000
Senior pastor(s) Young Hoon Lee, in 2008
Pastor(s) 526

Which church has more schools in Ghana?

The Catholic Church alone accounts for over 15% of basic schools, 10% of senior secondary schools, 21% of Colleges of Education (Former Teacher Training Colleges) and about 39% of Technical and Vocational Schools in the country. Now add Islamic, Ahmadiyya and other Christian Mission Schools!

Which church came first in the world?

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia the Cenacle (the site of the Last Supper) in Jerusalem was the “first Christian church.” The Dura-Europos church in Syria is the oldest surviving church building in the world, while the archaeological remains of both the Aqaba Church and the Megiddo church have been considered to …

Who is the powerful pastor in Ghana?

In total, only ten top pastors made it to the list with Pastor Mensa Otabil of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) coming on tops with a total of over 2 million followers both on Facebook and Twitter.